Nicola Pallini, was born in Civitella del Tronto son of a poor family and at the age of 6 was already earning his life as a shepherd. Soon his active mind took him to the trading industry and at the age of 15 was already touring all the marketplaces and village fairs of March and Abruzzi selling clothes and chestnuts. Illiterate, he used the long hours spent in the slow trains to self-teach how to read and write. At 20 he was already an affluent trader and established himself in Antrodoco (Abruzzi) because this samll town was connected to the railway system.

Nicola Pallini married Concetta Egidi, he was the prominent merchant in the Abruzzi, importer of coal from Germany, export of chestnuts, owner of the local bank and of the largest general store of the area and later owner of farms and chestnut groves. He built an imposing 4-storey building in the main square of Antrodoco, by far the most important in town. In the basement he created a cellar where he produced a widely appreciated wine and, according to those years use, a variety of cordials that were usually sold at Christmas and Easter (rosolio, anise, cinnamon, vanilla, almond). The ground floor lodged the store, the warehouse as well as the bank. The first floor was used as offices, the second and top floor were used as residence of the Pallini family.

Two of Nicola’s sons, Virgilio and Fidelfo, join their father’s activity in the “Antica Casa Pallini”. Virgilio took over the wine and liquor production, distribution and sale together with other grocery and drug items. Fidelfo took care of the textile share of the business.

In 1915, while serving as a conscript in the 1st World War, Virgilio was seriously wounded and stayed several months in Rome’s military hospital. He used this time to get acquainted with the trade in Rome and soon realised that the big city would suit his aggressiveness much better than the native town. He moved his family and business to Rome. A couple of years later he met a Russian chemist of Italian origin, who had fled from Russian Revolution and introduced him to the science of liquor making, adding it to the experience of Nicola.
He established his business downtown Roma, in Via dei Pastini a crooked street in the Pantheon area. Among many products Mistrà, an anise based liquor used to correct the coffee flavor, had the greatest success. Liquor production was then started on a larger scale and Virglio created a one man unlimited company first called “I.L.A.R. (Industrie Liquori Antrodoco Roma) Distillerie di V. di N. Pallini” and then simply “Società Virgilio Pallini”.

Virgilio’s sons: Nicola jr and Giorgio joined ILAR. with the help of his two sons Virglio Pallini was able to consolidate the company position in the area of Rome and the surrounding regions (Lazio, Marche, Abruzzi) and to establish PALLINI as the leader producer of anise flavoured liqueurs in Italy (MISTRA’ PALLINI, SAMBUCA PALLINI) and make himself a reputation for high quality production both in the field of alcoholic and non-alcoholic (syrups) beverages.

After Virglio Pallini’s death, the company was moved from downtown Rome to its present location in Via Tiburtina, a light industrial area just off the round peripheral road that divides the metropolitan Rome from its suburbs. In 1964 the company was offered the exclusive production of SAMBUCA ROMANA, a promising anise flavoured liquor and start the distribution in U.S.A. Romana Sambuca soon became one of the most sold Sambuca in the world..

Virgilio Pallini jr., after many years spent as a television journalist and newscaster joined the company and after two years as sales agent was made responsible for export sales. Thanks to his capabilities Romana Sambuca will be a great success with 600.000 cases sold per year!

To become stronger in the Italian market, I.L.A.R. S.P.A. start a lucky promotional campaign by radio and television that will make Mistrà Pallini leader in the anise liqureur market in the Central Italy (Lazio, Abruzzo, March)

Pallini company feeling the necessity of gaining more markets and, considering the huge Italian success of Limoncello (a lemon liqueur) different brands, study an elegant packaging for a very old and traditional family recipe created by Mrs Casella, wife of
Giorgio Pallini. Thanks to the interest of Skyy Spirits, a young and agressive company in USA, I.L.A.R. starts exporting Limoncello arriving soon to 50.000 litres.

The family business welcomes another generation. Micaela Pallini, daughter of Virgilio Pallini jr, joins the company after earning a Ph. D. in chemistry at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. While completing her course of studies, Micaela served I.L.A.R. in various capacities and then decided to continue the family tradition. Micaela is the fifth generation of Pallinis involved in the managment of the company and is in charge of purchasing, production, quality control and research and development.

To celebrate 135 years of its business, Pallini lounches Sambuca 313. This new formula blends enriches the notes of classic Sambuca with of pure distillates of anise and notes of elderberry, cinnamon and cardamom. Packaged in a unique silk-screened bottle, it has won numerous international awards.

Pallini Limoncello is awarded as the best Limoncello in the Netherlands by the national Dutch TV. Pallini also wins the prestigious Superior Taste Award 2012 awarded by the great chefs of the International Taste and Quality Institute in Brussels. Pallini Limoncello is listed at Eataly in New York, Chicago and Rome will follow shortly.

Pallini Spa Launches Rum Gosling in Italy with its Ginger Beer for the real authentic Dark 'n Stormy.

Pallini renews the look of its syrups creating a new packaging and two lines: one for on trade in glass and one for off trade in PET bottles.