Tequila Villa Lobos is the result of a friendship and close collaboration with two of the worlds most respected and trusted authorities on Tequila: Carlos Camarena and Dale Sklar. The agave used for Villa Lobos is entirely harvested by agaveros from the Camarena Family plantations in Los Altos, the celebrated Arandas highlands, thus ensuring only the sweetest & most mature are used. Villa Lobos is a perfect example of handcrafted Tequila made with passion and care in the traditional way.
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This is the web page of the PALLINI S.p.A. company, registered office in Via Tiburtina 1314, 00131 ROME. VAT No.: 01786991008; Phone: 064190344; e-mail: info@pallini.com, the controller of processing of the data concerning you. To obtain information on the processing and to exercise your rights, you may send an e-mail to privacy@pallini.com or, if you prefer a different document such as a letter, you can send it to the following address: Ufficio Privacy della PALLINI S.p.A. - Via Tiburtina 1314, 00131 ROME
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If you think this information is not sufficient we advise you to check the extensive report at the following address www.pallini.com/en/privacy-policy . If you are not satisfied with that information either, you can write to us, at the addresses already shown, to obtain clarification and if you are not satisfied even after our replies you can contact the Data Protection Authority through site www.garanteprivacy.it
You are reminded that the extensive report contains all the elements required by law, describes the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed by the site and gives the user the information for selecting/deselecting the different cookies.